- February 16, 2018
Migrating the Authenticator app to a new device
- January 2, 2018
Fixing Letsencrypt renewal errors on SSL only domains
- January 1, 2018
Creating an SSD persistent volume in Google Kubernetes Engine
- December 2, 2017
Checking SNI SSL certificate expiry in Linux/Mac
- October 21, 2017
Debugging in Google Container Engine nodes
- August 5, 2017
How to mount a Google Cloud Bucket in Linux
- August 1, 2017
Enable SSH in Raspberry Pi without a monitor
- July 8, 2017
Using cron in Docker containers ( Kubernetes )
- June 29, 2017
Could not push Docker images to Google Container Registry
- April 8, 2017
Installing WordPress in Docker using Nginx and Php-Fpm 7
- March 26, 2017
Logging in Golang using logrus
- March 8, 2017
Fixing the weird iptables error
- December 29, 2016
Linux Reboot System call and Linus' Birthday
- October 28, 2016
Pritunl - Easiest way to setup OpenVPN
- October 15, 2016
[Kali Linux] Fixing Wpscan due to broken dependencies
- October 15, 2016
[SSHUTTLE] SSH tunneling made simple
- September 29, 2016
Crashing systemd in one command by any user in the system
- September 27, 2016
Top Five VPNs for 2016
- August 20, 2016
OSX, iTerm2, ZSH and the tab title
- July 28, 2016
Setting up Arduino IDE