TL;DR Link to heading

Add the following to your ~/.zshrc and use the command tt <tab name> to rename your tab

tt () {
    echo -e "\033];$@\007"

iTerm2 is the best terminal emulator out there for OS X. No questions there. ( Or is there a better one I haven’t tried yet? ) And ZSH is my favourite shell. Well, it’s the favourite shell of a lot of people. If you’re the kind of person who will have a ton of terminal tabs open at the same time, you will know that it is a PIA to differentiate between them. A right command at the wrong tab could fcuk things up quite a bit. So, we have tab titles. And this post is about tab titles itself.

First of all, open up your zshrc file ( normally it will be ~/.zshrc ) and add the following.

tt () {
    echo -e "\033];$@\007"

Now, you can use the command tt <tab name> to rename the tabs. Please remember that this will not work when you have already SSH’d into another server ( obviously ). In that case, you can press Command + I and type the tab title, and press escape

So, yeah. That’s all for now.